Forum Replies Created
Diane Redmann
ParticipantEveryone should have their hard copy by now. So sorry, but there was quite a mix-up at the printer this year. I hope that never happens again. Good thing the WSCA has an on-line calendar.
DianeDiane Redmann
ParticipantOur plan was to run each day different. One day with singles and the other day report pairs and true pairs, but if shooters let us know they only want it one way then we will run it the format the way shooters like it. We used to run 10 stations with 10 targets each, but whatever shooters like. I will let Steve know that there is an interest.
Thank you for asking.
DianeDiane Redmann
ParticipantWis. Ironman update:
We have 3 single spots open with an MRC start, but several open spots are available to start at Wausau.
12 full squad openings at Wausau along with 1 squad that has room for 2 shooters, 2 squads have open spots for 3 shooters, and 4 squads have a spot open for 1 shooter.
Also, our shirt order will go to the printer April 1st so if you are interested in ordering a shirt, please go into your scorechaser registration and add what you would like.
Golf carts will only be available to those who pre-order them.
Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact Diane at J&H
715-758-8134 jhclub@tds.netDiane Redmann
ParticipantJ&H plans to have a hospitality with light snacks Saturday early evening at the state FITASC.
Also, we plan to have a different Super Sporting course set-up each day. 2 different presentations should be fun for all who like super sporting targets.Also, I understand that not a lot of shooters frequent this forum anymore, so would you please be so kind as to share this information to all FITASC shooters and Super Sporting shooters as well.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy your entire shooting season. Diane, J&H
Diane Redmann
ParticipantIronman registration update. We now have 227 shooters registered for the Wis. Ironman. There are plenty of squads available yet. A couple spots with a MRC start and quite a few openings with a Wausau starting spot. Keep in mind that Sunday’s starting times are the same as Saturday, without any travel time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you
J&HDiane Redmann
ParticipantSo sorry for the delay. I drew the winners from all the submitted names that shot Badger Series events throughout the year. The winners of the 3 guns are:
1st: Joseph Walentoski
2nd: Steve Knoll
3rd: Clint Dricken
Congratulations!The gun winner for the Friday Prelim: Todd Metcalf
The gun winner for the Main Event: Robert Graves
These were a random draw from all shooters in those events respectively.
DianeDiane Redmann
ParticipantCongratulations Pete: I just saw the results of the World FITASC, and tying for 34 out of well over a thousand shooters is outstanding!!!! So proud of you. I can’t imagine the experience you had over there in Hungary. You were in my ancestor’s country. So cool. Congratulations.
Diane Redmann
ParticipantGroup Picture
Diane Redmann
ParticipantBadger Series UPDATE: I misread the list of guns for the Badger Series give-a-way. There is also a Browing silver Field 12 gauge gun. So 3 guns total and the only way for a chance to win one is by shooting any registered event that is part of the Badger Series…………..Like the Bay Classic. Receive one gun ticket for each 100 target event shot. So, if you shoot our 100 target event AND the Super Sporting you get 2 tickets for a chance to win a gun. Potentially you could win all 3 guns if you shoot at least 3 series events before the state shoot. Wouldn’t that be awesome?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope to see you at J&H tomorrow. It’s going to be hot so come prepared.
DianeDiane Redmann
ParticipantGood news for everyone who likes Super Sporting. We have received enough interest to run Super Sporting, 100 registered, plus the sub guages for the Bay Classic. We have registration up on ScoreChaser which is helpful for us to prepare for the day, BUT FEEL FREE TO JUST SHOW UP THE DAY OF THE EVENT, JUNE 24TH AND REGISTER FOR THAT DAY. We hope to see a good crowd…….get ready for state! Did I mention that my Mom and Phyllis will have their great lunch available. Shoot 200 or more targets and get lunch on us! Hope to see you in a few weeks. Diane
Diane Redmann
ParticipantYes, August 2 – 6 (Wednesday – Sunday)
Warm up your FITASC skills! We will be having a 100 target 4 parcour FITASC on Thursday, Friday & Saturday.Diane Redmann
ParticipantWe are so sorry to hear about Tom. We haven’t seen him in a few years but remember him shooting at J&H. We remember a great sportsman!
Sorry for your loss, Nate.
Steve & Diane Redmann, J&H Game FarmDiane Redmann
ParticipantI have updated the winner list.
Top score in each lewis class received a gun
2nd: Binoculars
3rd: Case shells
4th: Print
5th: $25 Fleet Farm Gift CardHigh Lady was Barb Muehlethaler with a score of 48 and top youth was William Hassis also with a score of 48. Good job! Each won a case of shells.
Thank you Diane
Diane Redmann
ParticipantThe Bay Classic is part of the WSCA Bay Classic and J&H will be giving away almost $300 in prizes. Each round you shoot, 100 target course and/or the FITASC we will enter you into this drawing. Top prize is one case 12 gauge shells. Other prizes include entries to this years’ All Rabbit fun shoot and next years’ Bay Classic.
Hope to see you this Saturday.Diane Redmann
ParticipantMRC punches
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
Diane Redmann.