This is the first annual U.P. 200 2 day sporting clay shoot. It is a cooperative effort between my club, Great Lakes Sports & Rec in Escanaba, MI and United Sportsmen, Inc. just outside of Iron Mountain, MI.
At Great Lakes our course is 10 stations, a relatively short walk, maybe 500 yards start to finish. There is a small path if someone needed to bring a golf cart, but it is tight and not large enough for SxS UTVs. United Sportsen’s course is slightly longer but still an easy walk, 10 station course which does have a path for carts and SxS if you need to ride.
Since our state government is more restrictive that Wisconsin’s currently, we do not know what the situation will be for food and drink. We hope to have both available, but this will likely be decided much closer to the event date so we can be sure to be in compliance with local guidelines.