Tom Wannebo…..A Sporting Clay Legend

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    Pete Melloy

    On Nov. 23rd 2022 we lost a legend of the sport in the Twin Cities Metro. For those of you who didn’t know Tom, I have never come across a shooter who loved the game more. I carpooled with Tom as well as shot with him in his 2006 Iron Man victory. The 3 hour drive there amazed me as Tom could remember every single target presentation from every single station at every single tournament he’s ever shot! But thats not it….he remembers every load he shot at everyone of those targets!
    “I used a 1-1/8 gamebore white gold on the that battue…… I let it roll over at 70 yards….. and J-Hooked it!…POOOF disintegrated it right over the corn!! Nothing but black smoke!!”
    That is just one example of Tom’s enthusiasm for the Game. I could tell stories for hours like many others here too. If you have a good story about Tom please share on this thread. I am sure Nate Would love to hear them all.

    Tom’s shooting accomplishments earned him a spot in the MN Sporting Clays HOF. Anyone who has spent anytime with him would agree that his passion for the game is unparalleled. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree with Tom’s son Nate who had been going to tournaments with him since he was a little boy. Tom taught Nate a ton about the game but spending time with his son while enjoying the passion of his life was a dream come true.
    Hearing Nate and Tom talk to each other about tournaments and there shared love of the game was quite a joy to listen too. Nate has always looked up to his Dad and had made him proud. Hearing Nate Call Tom after a successful tournament or event he could not attend was typically a lengthy conversation, he was a proud Father.

    Tom, we will all miss you. Thank you for loving this game so much and giving back to all of us a perspective of what it is to truly have a passion for something in life.

    We will be holding a Tom Wannebo Memorial shoot sometime this upcoming shooting season. All targets will be dropping and you have to shoot them 2 feet off the ground! 🙂

    RIP Tom.


    Gene Jack

    Shot in a squad behind his squad at the state tournament at wern valley years back. Amazing watching him break targets while sitting in a wheelchair. RIP Mr Wannabo. Gene Jack Appleton Wisconsin

    Diane Redmann

    We are so sorry to hear about Tom. We haven’t seen him in a few years but remember him shooting at J&H. We remember a great sportsman!
    Sorry for your loss, Nate.
    Steve & Diane Redmann, J&H Game Farm

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