Results Waukesha Saturday 5-29

Home Forums Results Results Waukesha Saturday 5-29

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  • #1304
    Pat Gerbensky

    Thanks to the 146 people who came out to shoot
    all scores are on
    High scores
    Tom Finco–94
    Gene Jack 48 –5-Stand
    Tom Finco /Don Probst –49 —20 Ga.

    4 events running Sunday –so come on out

    Pat Gerbensky

    Sundays winner Andy B. 94 — 100 bird
    Jeff P. 50 straight –5-stand
    Bill Yackman –49 in 410 and 28 Ga.

    Thanks to the 194 people who participated and shot 34,400 targets

    Go to scorechaser for complete results

    Hope to see you all today at Winchester –lets support the Pro Gun Movement

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