NSCA Delegates: Rules Committee Solicits Your Input

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  • #2835
    Nils Anderson

    [table][tr][td]NSCA Registered shooters,

    Please take the time to read and consider the following message from Sammy McFadden and providing feedback here, to me, or another of the 5 Wisconsin Delegates or directly to Sammy.

    The NSCA is genuinely requesting and considering shooters opinions and suggestions more now than ever, it’s important we respond to get the representation everyone deserves.

    Thanks, Nils 


    “I am the Chairman of the NSCA Rules Committee for 2025. We are undertaking the task of reviewing our current rule book and making changes, clarifications and updates to current rules. I am asking for your input on this project:

      [*]Review current rules for Sporting, 5-Stand, Super Sporting, FITASC and Sub-Gauge.
       [/*][*]Submit suggestions for rule changes. We are looking to improve rules by clarifying some rules that may be unclear or ambiguous, deleting outdated rules, and adding any new rules that will improve our sports.
       [/*][*]Submit your ideas and suggestions to me for review. I will summarize and submit ideas to the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee will submit proposed changes to the NSCA Executive Council. Any changes passed by the EC will be submitted to the National Delegates for vote. 
       [/*][*]Deadline for submitting ideas is March 20, 2025. 
       [/*][*]Submit your ideas to me at Sammymcf.nsca@gmail.com.[/*]

    I look forward to your input.”Sammy McFaddin,NSCA Vice-ChairRules Committee ChairmanSammymcf.nsca@gmail.com[/td][/tr][/table]

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