Northern 200 Results (Game Unlimited)

Home Forums Results Northern 200 Results (Game Unlimited)

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  • #1157
    Pete Melloy

    Thank you to all who participated in this years Northern 200! Should be a great tune-up for next weekends Cranberry 200! Some great Shooting on some technical targets early in the season.
    Here are preliminary results without lewis and class as of yet for the Game Unlimited portion. Stay Tuned!

    Congrats on Bill Johnson on HOA in A class. Fantastic shooting Bill!! Alot of great scores in all classes.

    -Game Unlimited

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Pete Melloy.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Pete Melloy.
    Pete Melloy

    5-Stand Results with no Lewis or Class as yet.

    A tight race for the top spot resulted in several ties!
    Great Shooting Andy Bussalacci, Don Gamboni and Harry Zarn!

    Luke Villwock

    Note, C class punches ties divide cole and Ed get two punches, kyle and rich get one apiece.


    any updates on Lewis class results?

    Pete Melloy

    Lewis and class with scores updated.
    Thank you!

    See you at the Leinies 200!

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